The common cold is still our most common ailment. It indicates a breakdown of our immune defenses from which further diseases can arise. While the rhinovirus causes the common cold, the weakness of the immune system precedes the onset of the infection.
Colds are generally Kapha in nature resulting in accumulation of mucus, runny nose, sore throat, congestion, cough, with Vata contributing to body aches and chills even a mild fever thank you Pitta. Exposure to cold air or wind (yes our grandmothers were right, put on a coat and/or hat when you go out or you will catch a chill) cold, damp or mucus forming food, and seasonal changes are all causes of the common cold.
The best remedy for colds and the flu from the West and the East is bed rest and fluids, aspirin and antibiotics are not recommended. All remedies that our grandmothers taught us are usually the best, including chicken soup made with ginger and garlic in the broth. (Vegetable broth with garlic and ginger is my way now) Remedies that include babying yourself while getting plenty of rest, warm fluids, and peace and quiet are the gold standard.
A light diet, warm, simple and easy to digest is prescribed. This includes grains and cooked vegetables in moderate quantities with spices especially in the form of a soup. Dairy products, heavy and oily foods like meat, nuts, breads, pastries and sweet fruit juices should be avoided.
Lemon and ginger root juice mixed in warm water and a little honey is a classic formula. Other spices like cinnamon, basil and cloves are also excellent to incorporate in tea, soups or grains. These herbs are considered good at promoting sweating and relieving mucus. Bengal Spice Celestial Spice tea is a great way to incorporate into your cold and flu healing ritual since it contains warming spices (ginger, cardamom, black pepper, cloves and nutmeg) of course you can make your own or any version of chia.
When congestion is severe and blocking nasal breathing, the neti pot is not recommended. Water may get trapped in the sinuses. Neti pot should be done on a daily basis especially during cold and flu season for prevention.
Previous to Ayurveda my professional belief was that if whiskey can’t cure it, it can’t be cured. My attempt at babying myself was a hot toddy with whiskey, ginger tea with lemon and honey or a blast of Nyquil. Zicam tablets dissolved in the mouth every few hours within the first 24 hours of symptoms of a cold can potentially shorten the duration and intensity of symptoms. It seemed to work well for me the 2 to 3 times a year I would develop a cold.
Today my Neti Pot and improved self-care have reduced my colds to I can’t remember the last time I had one. My Zicam bottle is expired. Whiskey bottles are now used as canisters for lentils and such. Golden Milk and teas have taken the place of whiskey. I feel much better. I hope you do too!